About courses

Courses group training modules. Modules contain training content (immersive experiences). Within the VR headset, learners first choose a course, then a module, then select an experience.

A training menu in Strivr Home, showing available courses

In the Strivr Portal, to view a list of all courses available for your company, select Catalog from the Content menu in the top bar.

Click a course to view its details, including who last modified it, its size in gigabytes, and the minimum version of Strivr Player with which it is compatible, along with a course breakdown including the modules and content in the course.

In the Analytics section of the Portal, you can view results by course and by module, to see how many learners started, and how many finished the course. You can also see performance scores by course and drill into answer information.

If you have the necessary privileges, you can click Build Course on the Course Catalog page to create a new immersive training course. New courses become available for deployment to headsets only after they are approved.

Course version statuses

Status Description
Approved Course is ready to be deployed to headsets for learner training
Testing Course is being evaluated for approval for deployment at scale
Draft Course is incomplete and not yet ready for deployment
Archived Course should no longer be deployed for training