Scene hunt

A Scene Hunt is a type of event you can add to an Immersive training experience in Strivr Creator. Scene Hunts allow you to place Markers in your Experience to test the learner on them. For example, if you had a factory floor with hazards, you could place a Marker on each hazard. When a learner enters the experience, the Markers will be hidden from them. They will have a limited amount of time to identify where the hazards are in the scene. When they find a Marker, the answer (the Click Result) will appear. Hazards they have found will display as green markers on the screen. The Scene Hunt ends when the time runs out.

When should I use a Scene Hunt?

Because a Scene Hunt is meant to test the learner on spatial areas, you should generally use Scene Hunts for Assessments. You should use non-looping videos in the background of a Scene Hunt.

How to add a Scene Hunt

  1. In the left-hand panel, select a video to which you would like to add a Scene Hunt. Each video can have one Scene Hunt event.

  2. In the Event bar at the top of the screen, click the Scene Hunt icon.

  3. A Scene Hunt will appear in the Tree view. Type a new name for the Scene Hunt.

  4. Add markers by clicking +Add Marker under the Scene Hunt.

  5. Rename each Marker by clicking it in the Tree view and entering a unique name.

How to edit the properties of a Scene Hunt

Select a Scene Hunt in the Tree view and its properties will appear in the Properties panel on the right.

Start Time

This is the time in seconds of video play at which the Scene Hunt should appear.

Identification Time

This is the amount of time a learner will have to locate the Markers in the scene. The Scene Hunt ends when this clock runs out. Note that you can't set an Identification Time that would cause the Scene Hunt to extend past the end of the video (including a 0.5 second buffer.) If you do, the Identification Time will be reset to the largest acceptable value.

Marker Audio

You can toggle on or off the sound effects that occur in a Scene Hunt.

Marker Found Audio: plays when the learner finds a Marker.

Marker Mistake Audio: plays when a learner selects an area that is not a Marker.

POI Success Audio: plays when the learner finds all of the Markers in the Scene Hunt before the time runs out.


Scored questions count toward the learner's total score for the experience. If you set the Scored toggle to the On position, you can then enter a score.

How to edit the properties of a Marker

Select a Marker (under the Scene Hunt) in the left-hand panel and a properties menu for that Marker will appear on the right.

Marker Size

Change the size of a Marker to Small (S), Medium (M) or Large (L).


To move a Marker quickly, click and drag it to the new location in the video preview.

You can also specify exact coordinates for the Marker.

Highlight Area Size

The Highlight Area is a yellow outline that circles the full object of interest in a video. For example, if there is a hazardous puddle on the floor, adjust the width and height of the highlight area to fit around the entire puddle. The highlight area is only visible when a Marker is selected by the learner.

Click Result Answer

Add text to display as the answer/label when a Marker is selected by the learner.

How to delete a Marker

Select a Marker in the Tree view under the Scene Hunt.

Right-click it and select Delete.

How to delete a Scene Hunt

To delete the entire Scene Hunt including all Markers under it, select the Scene Hunt in the Tree view.

Right-click it and select Delete.