Adding events

Events are interactive elements within a training experience—learners must complete them before moving on. Events can be added once a specific video is selected. Available events to add are in the Event bar at the top of the screen.

  1. In the Tree view, select the video name.

  2. In the Event bar, click an Event to add. If an Event appears grayed out in the Event bar, it probably can’t be added to the selected video (this may be due to the video’s Looping setting.)

  3. Click within the Preview window to place the event. You can drag the event to a new location after placing it.

  4. Event properties (location, text, adding image/sound, etc.) can be edited in the Properties panel.

NOTE: Each event you add must have a unique name or you won’t be able to export the experience to a course. It’s important to give each event a meaningful name so it can be identified in training result data.