Looping 360 videos

In Strivr Creator, a looping video is a video that repeats indefinitely in the background until all events in a video are completed by the learner. In a looping video, events will occur in sequential order according to their start time. Once you set a clip to looping, events cannot be reordered. If you need to reorder events within the looping clip, first set the clip to "non-looping" then adjust the order/timing of each event, then finally turn looping back on for the clip. While an event is occurring, the looping background video does not pause. If Looping is set to off, it means the video will pause when the event appears, then when the learner answers, the video will continue playing out until the next event in the clip or until the end of the clip.

Why should I loop video?

Looping video is used to keep the learner immersed in the environment (but not distracted by it) while they interact with an event.

What properties make for a good looping video?

Looping videos should generally be about a minute long with very little noise or action. If the video is too short or has a lot of noise or action, it will break the immersion because the learner will notice that a loop is occurring and be distracted. An example of a distraction is someone walking across the scene.

What happens to events when I loop a video?

In a looping video, events will stay until the learner interacts with them. The start times of the events are relative to the previous event rather than tied to a time in the video.

How do I loop a video?

  1. Select a video in the Tree view.

  2. Switch the "Loop" toggle to On in the Properties panel.