Viewing user history

You can view a chronological history of events and actions taken by and for users related to a specific account, including:

  • User invited to account

  • User signed up

  • User role changed

  • Password changed

  • Invitation canceled

  • User deleted

NOTE: User History events are recorded starting from January 2024 and onward. If a user account was created or events occurred before that time, the historical events are not available.
  1. On the Strivr Portal, click the gear icon on the top right and select Manage users.

  2. Search for users by email address.

  3. Click the three-dot menu next to a user and select User history.

  4. User history events are sorted by date and time, with the most recent events at the top of the page.

  5. To filter the list of events by category, use the events drop-down option. You can also filter the list of events by date. By default, the table will include events that occurred within the past 365 days.

    User history event definitions

    Event name Event description Event details Example event details
    Invitation Sent Invitation to access Portal sent to user’s email Role names Content Manager
    User Signed Up User accepted invite and logged into Portal Role names Content Manager
    Password Changed User’s Portal account password has been updated -- --
    Role Changed User’s Portal access has been modified New role names and old role names Content Manager from Content Associate
    User Deleted User’s Portal access has been removed --- --
    Invitation Canceled User’s Portal access has been removed before they accepted invitation -- --