Can I wear glasses in the VR headset?

If you need glasses to see clearly, you can wear your glasses inside Pico VR headsets.

Putting on and removing the headset

To put an Oculus Go headset on over your glasses:

  1. Loosen the side and top straps on your headset.

  2. Starting from the front, put your headset on over the top of your glasses.

  3. With the headset on your head, tighten the side straps and then the top strap to secure the headset.

To put a Pico G2/Pico 4KS headset on over your glasses:

  1. Loosen the side straps on your headset. If necessary, remove the inner top strap to make the fit a little looser. Make sure to retain the inner strap.

  2. Starting from the front, put your headset on over the top of your glasses

  3. With the headset on your head, tighten the side straps to secure the headset.

To put a Pico Neo 3 headset on over your glasses:

  1. Loosen the straps as much as possible using the adjustment dial on the back.

  2. Rotate the straps up.

  3. Put the face visor on over your glasses and hold it in place while rotating the straps down.

  4. Tighten the side straps until comfortable using the adjustment dial.

To remove a headset while wearing glasses, make sure to loosen the straps as far as possible and remove the face visor first.

Wide frames

Oculus Go and Pico headsets can accommodate glasses with frames up to 142mm wide and 50mm high but can be enlarged with the addition of a spacer. Contact Strivr Support to order.

NOTE: If your glasses don't fit in the headset or the lenses of your glasses touch the headset lenses, we recommend you take off your glasses while using your headset or consider using prescription VR lenses.


Although single-focus glasses work better in VR, you can use the VR headset with bifocals. To focus, you need to move your head more. If this becomes uncomfortable, remove your glasses and continue training.